All applications to the Home Office follow a particular procedures and guidance as set out in their many 100s of application guidance documents. These guidances which seek to apply the Immigration Rules derive their powers from statutory instruments such the Immigration Act 1971 which gives the Home Office the power to make and change immigration rules.
It goes without saying that although these rules are broad and deal with most scenarios, it is not uncommon for applicants to find themselves in situations where the rules fail to provide a suitable remedy. One example is where a student visa application is refused due to a simple error where a caseworker miscalculated the fees paid to University. Accordingly an applicant's remedy is Admin Review. The turn around time for Admin Review is 28 days. Most of them do not meet this timeline. However, as a student your course provider will most likely no wait around for you to sort out your Admin Review.
In such cases, we can support by leveraging our experience and resource to contact the Home Office asking for the error to be corrected. These are entirely at the Home Office discretion and it is where there are exceptional circumstances they usually exercise discretion. We can advise on your situation.
Application Follow Up